Monthly Archives: June 2014

I talked on LinkedIn Strategies to CPC in Danville

The Community Presbyterian Church in Danville runs Job Connections, a great program for job seekers. My talk on June 7 was a brief overview of LinkedIn Services followed by some not-so-common ways to use LinkedIn to achieve work goals. The slides I used are here.

If you attended, please feel free to ask any follow-up questions. I’d be glad to answer them here (I’ll remove your name and contact information). Use this form or email me at

Whether you attended my presentation or not, check out next week’s speaker, Hannah Bell who will be talking on “LinkedIn and Networking.” LinkedIn is an extremely important too, and back to back sessions is not only not duplicative, it’s a very good idea. There’s plenty to discuss and Hannah will present both new and complementary material.

Thanks to CPC for giving me the opportunity to speak!