About Doug

P1000311LinkedInPhotoI’m Doug McKenzie. I live in Palo Alto and have lived and worked in the Bay Area for over 20 years. I’ve worked in construction, in sales, in high-tech R&D and customer support, in the solar industry as an analyst, consultant and educator, and since 2011 as a career coach. If you are finding your hunt for a new job or a new career or for self-employment frustrating or discouraging, I can help.

My approach is to offer you strategies and tactics that will turn your discouragement and frustration into greater confidence and a renewed sense of energy. You can read more about that hereĀ and hereĀ and please Contact Me if you’d like a 30 minute complimentary visit in person or over the phone. I will answer any question and help you in every way I can during that time to the best of my ability.